
Lawn Irrigation in Kenya

For maximum growth and sprouting of grass, a lot of water is required. Water is also essential for photosynthesis and health of the lawn. Lawn irrigation is a method of watering grass compounds or fields using sprinklers set at different points.

Lawn Sprinkler Irrigation in Kenya by Aqua Hub Kenya

Pop-up sprinklers are  available at Aqua Hub Kenya. They are ideal for  lawns, parks, golf courses, and gardens due to their uniform water distribution features.

Methods of Lawn Irrigation

  1. Sprinkler Irrigation –Irrigating lawns using sprinklers can be done by either using pop-up sprinklers or using mini lawn sprinklers. Pop-up Sprinklers supply water in projections and stops when irrigation is completed. Mini-lawn sprinklers have rotary sprinklers that emit water in rain-like sprays.
  2. Drip Irrigation  – Lawns can also be irrigated using Drip irrigation. Drip irrigation involves the use of drip emitter pipes to supply water to lawns in droplets. Suitable for low water areas and high-water retention soil.

The best method of lawn irrigation is the use of pop-up sprinklers because they are easier to use, require little effort to operate and supply enough water to all parts of the lawn.

Installing a Lawn Irrigation System

To set up a lawn irrigation system depending on the type of irrigation you want to use, follow the steps below.


  •  Make tunnels where pipes will be laid underground.
  • Set up the water tank on a raised structure and supply water to it.
  • Place pipes on the trenches and connect them.
  • Connect Valves and sprinklers or drip lines.
  • Cover the pipes and open the water flow to test the irrigation system.

Cost of Setting up a Lawn Sprinkler Irrigation System in Kenya

Lawn Sprinklers in Kenya

The cost of Lawn Irrigation system depends on the size of the lawn field or the number of Sprinkler sections.

Size of Farm in meters

No of Sprinklers

Cost in KES.

10 x 50



20 x 50



40 x 50



80 x 50



Where to Buy Lawn Irrigation Kits in Kenya

Aqua Hub Kenya has quality and affordable sprinklers and drip irrigation kits for your lawns.
Call 0790719020 or email info@aquahubkenya.co.ke.

Pop-up sprinklers are one-of-a-kind sprinkler systems that are ideal for a variety of lawns, parks, golf courses, and gardens. Because they spray water equally, they are regarded as the ideal watering method for lawns and gardens.

Pop up Sprinklers / Lawn Irrigation Price Chart
Sprinkler TypeSpray RadiusCost
Sprinkler 3/4 “-Plastic8–12 metersKsh. 500
Sprinkler 1″ – Brass12–20 metersKsh.4,000
Sprinkler 1.5″-Brass20–28 metersKsh.7,000
Sprinkler 2″- Brass28–36 metersKsh. 9,000
Sprinkler Size 

Spray Radius    

1/2 Inch3 m – 4 m  Ksh. 2,700
3/4 Inch6 m-10 m   Ksh. 3,600
1 Inch10 m- 13 m

  Ksh.  4,500


  • The larger sprinklers that irrigate a radius greater than 16 feet in diameter should be spaced 25 feet apart during installation. Sprinklers that cover a smaller area should be spaced 12–15 feet apart. 2,3,4,6, and 12 inches are the most common heights.

Visit Aqua Hub Kenya for quality and affordable pop up sprinklers in Kenya. We offer the best design and installation of pop up sprinklers.  For more information, call our Nairobi and Eldoret Branches through: NAIROBI: 0790719020 | ELDORET: 0759372241

  • Pop up sprinkler prices in Kenya range from Ksh. 2700 to Ksh. 9,000 depending on the size and type of the sprinkler.

Pop-up Sprinkler irrigation is the best method of irrigating lawns.

Lawn Irrigation provides a steady water supply to your lawn and enhances growth of your lawn.

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