
Drip Irrigation Kits for Cabbage

Drip Irrigation Kits for Cabbage

Cabbage irrigation farming is one of the most profitable crops to venture in currently in Kenya. Cabbage plants grow well in most parts of the country as it can develop well in less acidic loam soils. It has high nutritional value and is among the most reliable vegetables for consumption in Kenya.
Aqua Hub Kenya supplies drip irrigation kits in Kenya for irrigation of cabbages and other profitable plants and vegetables.

Benefits of Cabbage Irrigation Farming

Cabbage has high demand all over the country with its usefulness always in mostly dry conditions. The crop is less perishable compared to other vegetables. It can also be dried under the sun or in artificial solar dryers and stored for future consumption.
Cabbage plants are highly profitable as one seedling produces a large round cabbage lump which costs around KES 30- KES 50. An acre can produce 4 – 7 tons of cabbages which can accrue a large amount of profit.

Conditions for Cabbage farming

  1. A temperature range of 25-30° is good for cabbage growth.
  2. At least 500 mm of water throughout the growing season.
  3. Slightly acidic soil of PH range between 6.0 and 6.5.

Why it is Necessary to Irrigate Cabbage Plants

Some regions do not meet the water requirements for growing cabbage plants. Sometimes dry period may exceed normal seasons thus making it necessary for irrigation. Cabbage plants grown under irrigation are large, healthy, and greener due to adequate water supply. Diseases and pests are also easier to control under cabbage irrigation farming, weeds are minimized.

Steps to Grow Cabbages in Kenya

Growing cabbages is a step-by-step process which you must follow to ensure successful and profit generation. The key steps are:

  • Land Preparation – You should make the farm ready for growing cabbages either from seedlings or fresh starting seeds. Clear all the vegetation and cultivate the land. Obviously large tracts of land require tractor ploughing. Ensure the soil is soft and cultivated 1–2 feet deep.
  • Seedling Propagation – Prepare seedbeds and start by sowing viable cabbage seeds. You can also use seedling trays to start cabbage seedlings. In the trays you will use coco peat and irrigate with enough water. Seedling trays are the best to use since all the seedlings germinate fully for transplant.
  • Transplanting Cabbage plants – You must have the planting holes ready before the process of transplanting your cabbage seedlings. Also install irrigation systems or get your water sources ready before planting. You can then plant your seedlings on a spacing of 20 or 30 cm apart. The planting lines should be placed in beds spaced 1 m apart. Each bed can take 2 or 3 lines per bed.

Why Drip Irrigation for Cabbage

Drip irrigation or surface drip irrigation is the recommended method to distribute water to your cabbage plants. With its water saving benefit, it can also maintain a balance in water supply to all plants across the entire farm. The suitable drip lines for cabbage are 30 cm emitter hole spacing. This spacing is good to avoid nutrients and water competition. Space for growth of cabbage bulbs is also allowed in this type of layout.

Components of Cabbage Drip Irrigation Kits

  1. Tanks
  2. Drip tapes
  3. HDPE mainline pipes
  4. Sub-mainline pipes
  5. Lateral pipes
  6. Ball Corks or valves
  7. Check valves
  8. Connectors
  9. end caps
  10. Screen filters

How to Set Up Drip Irrigation Kits

  1. Prepare the land for cabbage production.
  2. Smoothen the soil and prepare beds.
  3. Set up a tank or water source.
  4. Dig trenches to lay the mainline and sub-mainline connection.
  5. Lay mainline pipes on the trenches and connect them to the sub-mainlines.
  6. Connect the sub-mainline pipes to the delivery pipes.
  7. Connect delivery pipes to drip lines.

Drip Kits Prices in Kenya

Size/ Line per bed1 Line2 lines3 Lines
1 acre75000130000160000
1/2 acre400006100071000
1/4 acre280004000050000
1/8 acre130002300026000

Drip Kit Supplier in Kenya

Aqua Hub Kenya is the among the best suppliers for drip irrigation kits for cabbage irrigation farming and other crop in Kenya. We also supply coco peat for seedling propagation at affordable prices.
Call 0790719020

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